We are always looking for ways to protect our beloved RC kits from damages and scratches that we always try to clean and repair after some bashing at our local track. This is unavoidable because accidents and miscalculation when drifting is really a part of the hobby. One of the most common areas that get the most scratches is the under chassis and I found a cheaper alternative to the ever popular bathroom tape.
Pros about this tape is that it is thick enough and is very reliable at protecting your CF chassis. Of course there's the dark side...most of the time since this tape is thicker than the average tape is that it gets hooked on barriers or edges along the track or sometimes gets snagged on uneven track surfaces which affects your kits performance (note: this is not always the case) and of course the biggest set back again is THE PRICE.
In my search for a cheaper alternative I was looking around inside one of the big mall hardware stores here in the metro when I stumbled upon this item...
I tried to test it by installing it to a spare tub chassis that was lying around in my room. I tried scratching it on different surfaces and it did it's job quite well. The only time it got scratched deep was when I scraped it along a sharp edge on the cement floor with some bit of force. I still have to see how it will perform on our regular bashings. Will give you a report once it is tested. Hoping it won't peel off easily.